CF Announcement: SD Token Vesting
The purpose of this article is to clarify specific details regarding the vesting schedule of SD tokens to be farmed during the Community…

The purpose of this article is to clarify specific details regarding the vesting schedule of SD tokens to be farmed during the Community farming event. Additionally, we are proposing a few changes to the SD token vesting schedule.
For more details regarding the Community Farming event, kindly refer to the blog post here. For a list of FAQs on Community Farming, please click the link here.
Stader is building a suite of products for stakers that helps them maximise their earnings as per their preferences. In November, we are launching Plain staking and Liquid staking.
It is our endeavour to continue to create solutions that you will love and maximise your staking yields. We will incentivise newer strategies with further SD tokens.
However, we would also like to sweeten some restrictions on the vesting schedule of the farmed SD tokens.
Key changes to Farming & SD token vesting:
- 50% of the unvested tokens will continue to vest even if you unstake Luna 2 months from the start date of community farming.
- Rest of the unvested tokens will be moved to a pool which will be distributed to rest of the stakers who continue to stake.
- Booster SD rewards for long-term stakers i.e. stakers who remain with us for >2 months (exact details to be announced later).
Clarifications on Community Farming:
- Your staked Luna is never locked on Stader. You are free to withdraw Luna as per your requirements.
- If you unstake your Luna within the farming period (1st 2 months), there is a withdrawal fee of 1%. No withdrawal fees after 2 months.
- Farmed SD tokens will vest starting 2nd month until 6 months after that. 15% at the end of the second month and the rest will vest linearly every month.