LunaX — The Only Luna You Need

We have taken Luna and supercharged it with additional yield to bring you LunaX.

LunaX — The Only Luna You Need
Benefits of holding LunaX

We have taken Luna and supercharged it with additional yield to bring you LunaX.

Transform your Luna into LunaX with a single click and get auto-compounded staking rewards along with weekly airdrops, all this while having instant liquidity access.

Earn more by leveraging LunaX across LPs, Lending protocols and more!

Now, why would you hold Luna when you can access DeFi while staking with LunaX?

Learn More About LunaX

LunaX is an auto-compounding accrual token (similar to aUST) that can be minted when users stake with Stader using the liquid staking pool.

Around ~16k unique wallets have minted LunaX on Stader’s liquid staking contract.

  • Total Staked Luna: 1.51 M Luna (as on Feb 4th 2022)
  • Size of LP Pool: 1.76 M Luna (as on Feb 12th 2022)