Ethereum node operators

Get 1.5x rewards on your ETH node

8x leverage with just 4 ETH per validator vs solo staking (32 ETH)


Node Operators





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Why should you run an ETHx node?

Stader empowers node operators to unlock ~50% higher returns with lowest ever bond requirement of just 4 ETH per validator


~50% higher rewards

Receive ~1.5x rewards on invested capital with 4 ETH bond per validator


8x leverage

Run 8 ETHx validators with capital required (32 ETH) per solo node


Lowest bond required

Lowest governance token exposure of 0.4 ETH worth of SD or utilize SD from the SD Utility Pool against a small fee


24x7 support

Round the clock support available for quicker query resolutions

SD Utility Pool

Run ETHx nodes with zero governance token exposure 
by utilizing $SD from the SD Utility Pool against a small fee

ETHx multi-layer security

Audited and secured by leading blockchain experts to ensure the safety of your assets

Spin ETHx node in 3 simple stages


Stage 01

Setup and installation

Get the right infra setup for optimal performance and install the Stader node stack according to your system specifications


Stage 02


Configure ETH clients, set up your node wallet, fully sync with the blockchain, and register your node on the Stader network


Stage 03


Add validators by depositing 4ETH and 0.4ETH worth of SD. Your validator will get 28ETH based on the validator queue and available ETH in the pool

Choose the most convenient option to Spin ETHx Nodes

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Want to know more about becoming an ETHx node operator ?

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SD Utility Pool


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