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Staking on Polygon Mainnet

How to stake MaticX on Polygon Mainnet?

To start your staking journey, access the dapp at ​

Step 1:

Connect your wallet using the “Connect Wallet” button on the top right. Set your wallet to the Polyon staking network


Step 2:

Enter the amount of MATIC you want to stake.

You’ll see the amount of MaticX you’ll get in return. Click on the “Stake Matic” button to go ahead.

Note: In this phase, users will be able to stake up to 1.5 million Matic/day on Polygon mainnet and we will bring support for larger delegations beyond this limit in the coming fortnight.


Step 3:

Confirm the transaction in your wallet.


That’s all. Once successful you should see the confirmation screen.

How do I unstake MaticX on Polygon?

Unstaking MaticX directly on Polygon will be supported in phase 3 which will be launched around May 18, 2022. Till then, you can swap your MaticX for Matic on QuickSwap for instant liquidity. You can learn more about how to use the QuickSwap Pools here.

There is also the additional option to bridge your MaticX to Ethereum, which takes ~2 hours, and then unstake on the Stader dApp For more information on bridging, please refer to the bridging section of these docs.