Stader x Solana...
Stader x Solana: A Sneak Peek!
Stader is on a mission to decentralize PoS networks through staking infrastructure that makes it easy for delegators to conveniently and safely stake their tokens. We outlined our vision for Stader, in our litepaper, as a multi-chain, multi-product platform for staking and we will soon take a big step in making that vision a reality.
We started our journey on Terra in late November and what a ride it has been.
While the start has been great, our mission has just begun. It is now time to spread our wings and take the Stader platform to another important PoS network — Solana.
We are big fans of Solana, we were one of the winners of Solana Season Hackathon in June ’21 and the Solana Foundation is one of our earliest partners. The network and its strong global community have built one of the most vibrant and comprehensive DeFi ecosystems. We are excited to to have the opportunity to work with 1,400+ validators in making Solana’s PoS network more robust and censorship resistant.
We are going to build a full suite of staking products on Solana which will be rolled out in a phased manner.
We will soon come back with more details on the launch, including dates and rewards structure.
Follow us on Twitter to stay updated.
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