Stader Litepape...
Stader Litepaper Released: What’s Inside It?
Stader is excited to announce the release of ourLitepaper. Here’s a brief summary of the Litepaper and a quick look at Stader’s plans over the next few months.
The market capitalization of Proof-of-Stake (PoS) coins is at $325 billion (USD). In comparison to Poof-of-Work (PoW), PoS has numerous advantages which position it to grow many fold.
Across PoS blockchains, the three main stakeholders face several challenges:
While solving the above challenges is paramount for the PoS ecosystems, there are several multi-billion dollar opportunities on top of staking in the short to mid-term including:
Stader is building the key staking middleware infrastructure layer for multiple PoS networks that will power the above staking-related opportunities while solving the key challenges. We are taking an extremely modular approach to building our contracts so third-parties can leverage our components to build several staking solutions on top of it.
In the short term, Stader is building native staking smart contracts across multiple chains including Terra, Solana, among others, and building an economic ecosystem to grow and develop solutions like YFI-style farming with rewards, launchpads, gaming with rewards, liquid staking solutions, and more.
In the long-term, Stader is focused on unlocking the platform approach and nurturing third parties to develop several staking-related applications on top of the Stader infrastructure.
The Stader token (SD) is the native governance and value accrual token for Stader. SD token holders will directly benefit from the success of Stader, as revenue generated through different economic models gets accrued to the SD token as elected by the governance holders.
Several notable venture funds, blockchains and angel investors have supported Stader in the journey so far.
Link to the full Litepaper here.
Stader V1 Terra Launch
Stader v1 is expected to launch mid-November with several features to add convenience to Luna delegators. Here is a look at the key features of Stader’s V1:
How can you participate in the V1 Launch?
Stader V1 will be launched with a community farming event. We will reserve a percentage of the total SD token supply for community farming.
More details regarding community farming will be shared soon on our social channels. (Twitter, Telegram)
Stader V2 Roadmap
We plan to launch a liquid staking token on the staked LUNA and add multiple ecosystem integrations to power strategies on top of staking rewards and airdrops.
Key features going live in Stader V2:
Timelines for the v2 launch will be shared soon. Participants of v1 will get access to most features of v2 as well.
Long-term Opportunities
Stader aims to integrate with the top 7–10 PoS blockchains over the next 1–2 years. In the long term, there are several multi-billion dollar opportunities and markets Stader can explore:
And many more…
We invite you to further dive deep into our Litepaper, share your thoughts and feedback on amitg@staderlabs.com.
In the Litepaper, we have covered more details across the below areas:
Link to the Litepaper here.
Stader Labs
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