ETHx Rewards Program
















ETHx Rewards Pr...


ETHx Rewards Program

4 mins read / updated on Thu Aug 31 2023


Dear Node Operators,

Stader Labs is coming soon to Ethereum with its Liquid Staking Solution called ETHx! As a leading LST platform with $120M+ TVL & 75K+ unique wallets, we are currently present across 6 chains. With ETH as our next stop,  we can’t wait to bring the possibilities of ETHx to Node Operators!

ETHx allows node operators to spin up an ETH node with 85% lower capital (Just 4 ETH!) and 35% higher returns  compared to solostaking! The current staking landscape on ETH is quite centralized with ~50% of the stake allocated to the Top 3 entities. Decentralized protocols have further struggled to scale capacity given the high capital entry barriers for node operators.

ETHx has been launched with a vision of a more decentralized, and hence, better secured Ethereum. By bringing the lowest bonding requirements of just 4 EHT  for node operators, ETHx will encourage more aspiring node operators who did not have as much capital to now spin a node on ETH. With more members on the chain, any attempt at corruption will have to target more disparate entities & require more resources to execute, hence acting as a deterrent to security breach on ETH.

Currently, ETHx is in the testing phase with the Rolling Beta running on Goerli testnet. We have already crossed major milestones 550+ participants, 270+ testnet nodes and ~300 validators. We are grateful to the entire Ethereum & node operator community to help us achieve this feat!

To ensure that your ETHx journey is seamless & more rewarding, we have amplified the initial Rolling Beta incentives planned with three new additions bringing the total rewards pot to a juicy $725,000.

Check out each of the reward categories below to see how they can further boost your node-running operations:

1. Referral Program

ETHx Rolling Beta Referral Program is a $525,000 program available exclusively for the Rolling Beta node operators. Everyone who runs an $ETHx node on or before 28th April is eligible for the rewards with each node operator being able to refer up to 10 node operators with a sum reward of $100 per referee.

To kickstart, spin up a node on our Rolling Beta, ask other node operators to try out the same & fill out this form.

Once your referee successfully sets up a node on our testnet, you'll automatically be eligible for the rewards. Check out more details about the program here.

2. Boosted Commission Program

Next up is our Boosted Commission Program.

It is an exclusive program for our ETHx Rolling Beta test participants who join the mainnet during the launch month.  Qualifying node operators will be eligible for the higher commission of 7% on the mainnet (vs 5% for other mainnet node operators) for ONE WHOLE YEAR.

Thus, you get 40% more commission than node operators joining the mainnet directly. The extra commissions earned in $SD can offset the bond required by a considerable margin.

Read more about it here & get started now!

3. $SD Top-Up

The initial prize pot of 12,500 $SD allocated at the launch of Rolling Beta has been topped up with 13,000 $SD of boosted incentives for Rolling Beta participants who will spin up a node on the mainnet within 14 days of launch; bringing the total prize pool to a juicy 25,500 $SD. You can find more details about the top-up here.

The best part: all these programs are additive in nature & hence a node operator can earn from each simultaneously.

Rolling Beta Node Operator Reward Potential

The three reward programs mentioned above are exclusively for Rolling Beta participants with benefits spilling over to the mainnet too. A Rolling Beta participant who comes on to mainnet stands to make as much as ~39% extra in the first year of mainnet.

Here is a detailed breakdown of the total reward potential.

Let’s assume - Sarah is a Rolling Beta node operator who then joins us on the mainnet too & Mike is a node operator who joins the mainnet directly. Assuming they both run 4 ETHx validators & opt for the 10% $SD bond, they will bond 16 ETH & $SD worth 1.6 ETH.

The common rewards they both shall be making are:

  • 6.1% on Bonded ETH: 0.98 ETH
  • 40% on Bonded $SD: 0.64 ETH

Now, here’s the EXTRA bonus for Sarah. Since she has been a Rolling Beta node operator, she gets an extra 2% commission boost. Hence, her commission is 7% instead of the 5% on the delegated ETH returns that mainnet node operators (including Mike) will be eligible for.

Thus, the commission on delegated 28 ETH per validator is 0.48 ETH for Sarah while it is 0.34 ETH for Mike. This brings their annual returns to:

  • Sarah: 0.98 + 0.64 + 0.48 = 2.09 ETH ($4188 @$2000/ETH)
  • Mike: 0.98 + 0.64 + 0.34 = 1.9 ETH ($3915 @$2000/ETH)

But wait...there's more!

Sarah also gets all the additional rewards benchmarked for Rolling Beta members.

  • Testnet Participation - $108 (for participating in both Phase 1 & Phase 2)
  • Community Supporter - $135 (for being among the Top 15 community members)
  • Referral rewards - $1000 (She received $100/referral & maxed out her 10 referrals)

Therefore net earnings of Sarah & Mike are:

Sarah: $4188 + $1243 (additional rewards) = $5431

Mike: $3915

That means Sarah is getting: (($5431 - $3915)/$3915) * 100= ~39% more than Mike!

ETHx is an opportunity for all Ethereum aficionados to do their part & partake in its decentralization. Stader is here to assist at every step of the way in terms of dedicated community support, extensive guides & more. Participating in Rolling Beta helps you get better acclimatized with the product & understand the product & its potential.

Rolling Beta phase 1 closes on 28th April. Join our Discord today to get started:


Aditya Deorukhkar

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