Delta Neutral S...
Delta Neutral Strategies & how you can create them
The power of BNBx is now well demonstrated, with ~10 DeFi integrations and multiple trading strategies, users can find the right risk / reward trade-off for their portfolio.
We have also talked extensively about some of the risks associated with these trading strategies, one of which is the Price Risk associated with the price movement of the tokens involved in the strategy. This price risk often goes under the radar and leaves the user open to losses arising from adverse market movements, delta-neutral strategies aim to eliminate this risk.
“Delta” or “Delta Risk” is a term often used in the Trad-Fi world to describe the sensitivity of a derivative or a portfolio (or any investment) to the price movement in an underlying asset. For example, if you buy a forward contract for a stock , you have Delta risk on your position owing to the change in price of the underlying stock
The objective of Delta-Neutral strategies is to eliminate the Delta risk, so that value of the portfolio/ yield of the strategy remains the same no matter the price movement in the underlying token. By the nature of this objective, the profit from deploying delta-neutral strategies arises from the yield generated by the strategy ( because a rise in prices of the underlying token does not lead to profit)
Delta-neutral strategies can be created in many ways, some of which are complex and contain many components. Conceptually we can think of the components of a delta-neutral strategy in 2 broad buckets
While delta-neutral strategies aim to remove the price risk in the underlying token there are still some risks associated with them. Chief amongst which is the smart contract risk related to the various protocols used to execute this strategy. Additionally, in complex strategies that use borrowing / leverage a temporary movement in price can cause liquidation and hence cause the delta-neutral strategy to breakdown
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